The Siege of Antioch project is a collaborative effort between UK scholars and Fordham’s Center for Medieval Studies. Our UK team is composed of distinguished scholars Professor Linda Paterson (University of Warwick), Dr. Carol Sweetenham (Independent Scholar), and Dr. Simon Parsons (University of Bristol). They are providing a transcribed and translated text, while students at Fordham are encoding the text into TEI-compliant XML and developing a platform to publish the finished work. The Fordham team is supervised by Dr. Nicholas Paul, Director of the Center for Medieval Studies, and led by graduate students Benjamin Bertrand and Frances Eshleman.
The graduate student managers lead a team of graduate and undergraduate students who meet weekly to code laisses and work on creating supplementary materials for the site. In this way, SAP aims to not only produce an important work of scholarship but also continue to educate Fordham students with the tools of digital humanities for their professional development.
This unprecedented collaboration of established scholars and graduate students is working diligently to make this previously untranslated poem available to scholars and the general public. A full list of the contributors can be found here, as well as a selection of open-source essays written by the graduate students and conference presentations and publications by Fordham and U.K. team members.